T-Rex 100km
START TIME 8:00 am
Distance: 102.4 km
Elevation Gain: +641m / -625 m
Water Station 1: 24.6km
Location: Ferry Crossing
Includes: Water, Xact electrolytes
Aid Station 1: 33.1km
Location: Roadside pullout
Includes: Water, Xact electrolytes, Xact fruit bars, PB & J sandwiches, cookies, bananas, watermelon, chips, and Dino-sours
Aid Station 2: 61.2km
Location: Last Chance Saloon (“Bacon Station”)
Includes: Water, Xact electrolytes, Xact fruit bars and Bacon or tomato sandwiches
Aid Station 3: 80.6km
Location: East Coulee Fire Hall (100km Turnaround)
Includes: Water, Xact electrolytes, Xact fruit bars, PB & J sandwiches, cookies, bananas, watermelon, chips, and Dino-sours
NOTE: 100km event riders have 8 hours to complete their distance. If you have not finished by that time, please be prepared to ride in the sag wagon.
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*All distances and elevation gain are approximate and will vary depending on the watch, app, or measuring device that you use.
*Due to unforeseen limitations, the following information is subject to change at any time before, during, or after the start of each stage.